Best Clinic For
Laser Hair Removal


in New York, Queens, Bronx, Manhatten, Brooklyn, Long Island and Staten Island.

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SINCE 1987

31 Years of Experience

We safely treat all body areas and skin types on both men and women.

Celina’s Laser
Hair Removal of NY

Wrinkle Reduction

Wrinkle Reduction

Wrinkles can occur due to loss of collagen in the dermis, the layer just beneath the skin’s surface. We use the latest innovations to flatten out and diminish wrinkles.

Mole / Wart

Healthy glowing skin is much coveted by both women and men. However, oftentimes the beauty of the skin gets marred by moles.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the process of removing unwanted hair by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle.

About Us

Literally thousands of people have had embarrassing hair problems permanently eliminated with laser hair removal and you, too, can join their ranks! Utilizing the world’s most advanced lasers for the removal of unwanted hair, our trained specialists are able to tailor treatments to your individual skin and hair type. We safely treat all body areas and skin types on both men and women.

Just imagine never needing to tweeze, wax, shave or endure long hours of electrolysis again! Within 15 minutes to an hour, most body areas can be smooth and hairless. No sweet nothings whispered in your ear we guarantee results! When we tell you we can help you end your struggle with unwanted hair forever, we’re prepared to back that promise.

Laser Hair Removal Of NY Inc. is centrally located in South Richmond Hill, Queens. We are open 7 days a week, from 10 a.m to 8 p.m by appointment only.

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Our Services

Lipo Cavitation
New Service!

Lipo Cavitation

Laser Lipolysis
New Service!

Laser Lipolysis


Choose Us?

Celina’s Laser Hair Removal Of NY have the professional electrologist / Laser Practitioner with 31 years of experience offering laser hair removal, body detox etc. treatments with an affordable prices in NY. Best Clinic for hair removal at low cost in New York, Queens, Bronx , Manhatten, Brooklyn, Long Island and Staten Island.

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All Year Round!

Our staff are fully trained and are experienced with over 10 years of experience in their specific field.

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